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Plyo Boxes

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Train Like an Elite Athlete with Plyo Boxes!

Plyo boxes aren't just for box jumps – they're your gateway to sculpting a complete physique with exercises like depth jumps, lateral hops, box dips, and more. 

Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a fitness newbie, plyo training will unlock your hidden power, improving your strength, agility and stamina. 

Have any questions about plyo boxes? is here to help! 

What are plyo boxes used for?

Plyo boxes are primarily used for plyometric exercises. These exercises involve rapid muscle contractions and extensions to increase power, explosiveness, and agility. 

Plyometric Training: Use plyo boxes for dynamic plyometric training movements like box jumps, lateral jumps, depth drops, and more. 

Strength and Conditioning: You can also use plyo boxes for elevated squats, lunges, push-ups, dips and more. 

Rehabilitation and Functional Training: Use plyo boxes in rehabilitation exercises like step-ups and box knees. 

Overall, plyo boxes offer versatility for exercises targeting various fitness goals, including: 

  • Improve power and explosiveness: Jumping exercises challenge your muscles to exert maximum force quickly.
  • Increase agility and coordination: Plyometric movements require quick changes in direction and coordinated muscle use.
  • Enhance strength and endurance: Different exercises can target specific muscle groups and build strength and stamina.
  • Boost functional fitness: Plyo box exercises mimic real-world movements, improving balance and coordination for everyday activities.

What different types of plyo boxes are available to purchase?

Plyo boxes come in various types, each catering to different needs and preferences. Here's a breakdown of the most common types:

  • Wood: Traditional and durable, offering a stable platform for jumping exercises. 
  • Foam/Soft: Lightweight, portable, and more affordable than wood. They are ideal for beginners due to their softer surface, reducing the impact on joints during landings. 
  • Steel FrameA classic design with a non-slip rubber surface and diverse height options. 

What size plyo box is right for me?

Choosing the right size plyo box is crucial for safe and effective plyometric training. 


  • Beginners: Start with a lower height, typically between 12 and 16 inches, allowing you to focus on proper form and technique before progressing to higher jumps.
  • Intermediate: If you're comfortable with basic jumps, you can gradually increase to 20-24 inches for a more significant challenge.
  • Advanced: Experienced athletes can consider boxes around 30 inches or higher for maximum power development. 

Here are some tips to help you maximize your plyo box workouts or choose the correct plyo box for your gym! 

  • A good starting point is choosing a box height around 75% of your maximum vertical jump height.
  • Don't jump straight to your maximum height. Progress in increments by adding smaller platforms or boxes under your feet to gradually increase the height of your jumps.
  • Choose a height that challenges you but feels manageable. You should be able to land with control and stability.
  • If you have the space and budget, having multiple plyo boxes at different heights can add variety to your workouts and allow for gradual progression.

Are plyo boxes safe for beginners?

Plyo boxes can be safe for beginners with proper precautions and guidance. However, inherent risks are involved, and it's essential to approach plyometric exercises cautiously, especially for individuals new to them. 

  • High-Impact: Plyometric exercises involve jumping and landing, putting stress on your joints. If proper form and technique are not prioritized, beginners may be more susceptible to injuries like ankle sprains, knee strain, and muscle tears.
  • Lack of Coordination: Beginners might need more coordination and control for safe landings, increasing the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Start Low, Go Slow: Begin with a low plyo box height (around 12-16 inches) and gradually progress as you build strength, coordination, and confidence.
  • Master the Basics: Before attempting jumps, focus on mastering foundational exercises that strengthen your legs, core, and improve balance (squats, lunges, etc.)
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to your body's signals. Stop if you experience any pain or discomfort, and consult a physical therapist or healthcare professional if the pain persists.

What exercises can I do with a plyo box?

Plyo boxes offer a surprising variety of exercises that target different muscle groups and fitness goals. 

  • Box Jumps: The most common exercise is jumping onto the box from a standing position. Variations include single-leg jumps, lateral jumps, and depth jumps.
  • Box Step-ups: Stepping onto and off the box, working on leg strength, balance, and coordination. Variations include single-leg step-ups and side step-ups.
  • Box Knees: Using the box for support while mimicking the running motion, improving running form and coordination.
  • Squats and Lunges: Performing squats and lunges with the box can increase difficulty and target different muscle groups. Examples include elevated squats, Bulgarian split squats, and reverse lunges with a box step-up.
  • Push-ups: Performing push-ups with hands elevated on the box increases upper body strength and core engagement. Variations include incline, decline, and diamond push-ups on the box.
  • Dips: Using the box for dips strengthens the triceps and shoulders, similar to parallel bars but with adjustable height.
  • Plank with feet on box: Increases the difficulty of a regular plank, challenging core stability.
  • Side plank with hip dips on box: Targets obliques and core strength with added hip mobility.
  • Russian twists on box: Sitting on the box and performing twists engages the core and obliques.
  • Box burpees: Combining a squat, push-up, and jump for a full-body, high-intensity exercise.
  • Box mountain climbers: A dynamic exercise that elevates the feet on the box for increased core engagement and cardio challenge.

Watch this video to see some of our favorite plyo box exercises you can add to your workout routine: