@menshealthmag Fitness Awards 2024 “Best Bodyweight Training Tool”!
Lebert EQualizer Total Body Strengthener XL
A durable bar that allows you to do a variety of bodyweight exercises both basic (inverted rows) and advanced (L-sit pullups).
Since inventing the category we’ve strived to have the best quality, service and education and we are super honoured to receive this award once again!
Works using your own body weight as resistance. Ultimate all-in-one piece of strength training equipment. Hundreds of exercises can be performed. Easy to modify exercises to suit your fitness level. Safe, lightweight and easy to store.
The XL Version
Single Bar EQualizers Push-Up
Place a single Lebert Equalizers on its side with hands on the bar in push-up position. Make sure your shoulders are directly over your hands, with your back straight and your abs tight, slowly lower until your arms are bent to 90 degrees. Instead of just pushing up, squeeze the bars towards center so that the prime mover (chest) pulls the arms towards center making this a very effective chest flye/ pushup combo.
Regression- Perform exercise from your knees (keep hips down and core engaged)
Progression- Single leg, Spiderman or plyo pushups
Lie down between a single Lebert Equalizers bar with it over your upper chest and grip the Equalizer with an underhand, overhand or staggered grip. Place back of shoes on foam pad of the second Equalizer, bent knees and your hips up. Pull yourself up as high as you can keeping your head and hips in the same line. Pause at the top and slowly lower.
Regression- Rest when necessary/continue to work on driving elbows into the floor, retracting the scapula and getting up as high as you can.
Progression- Single leg, holds at the top.